But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame.  Isaiah 50:7 (ESV)

LFR Show 4

Mar 13, 2014

Just when you thought you’d never need another flammenwaffen, welcome to our lightly charred but delectably edible Flint Flake show! On the menu:

  • GK’s “Greek Spot” looks at the use of idioms in the New Testament.
  • “Crusy’s Discernment Corner” focuses on the Kundalini spirit pervading some churches today and it’s origins.
  • Andie’s reading from early church history is an extract from the “History of the Church from Christ to Constantine” by Eusebius, and focuses on the Siege of Jerusalem in 70AD.
  • “What are you reading this week, Cliff”,  continues with part two of the book “The Occult Philosophy of the Elizabethan Age” by Frances Yates.

Cliff also joins us to discuss developments in Turkey and the crisis unfolding in Crimea and the Ukraine.

LFR Show 4

with your hosts, GK, Andie, Crusy and Cliff